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Balsam Fir - Abies balsamea  - Hydrosols

A woody taste and fragrance. Slightly musty and simultaneously wet and dry in smell. The taste is slightly flat and better in warm, sweetened drinks than in cold beverages.

Stable; good for fourteen to sixteen months, although the aroma starts to fade around twelve months.

Balsam fir is the best-known "Christmas" tree and comes into its own in the dark months of winter. Recommended primarily for external applications, although some internal use id fine, but I do not recommend the three-week internal protocol.

A good general system tonic, balsam fir is antiseptic and seems to boost the immune system. It is of great benefit to suffers of SAD (Seasonal affective disorder); just smelling it can lift me from the winter gloom! Add it to the bath or shower ( put the plug in); use one-fourth to one-half cup two to three times a week.

A significant improvement is usually noticed after the first week. It is an excellent addition to bath or foot soaks at any time of the year, being neither heating nor cooling but still able to stimulate the system.

Balsam fir is both mucolytic and expectorant for the respiratory, renal, and reproductive systems. Use in inhalations, saunas, steam baths, humidifiers, and compresses. It is a good gargle or tea for the winter.

Mildly diuretic, it can also help remove fluid from joints and is a good topical compress for rheumatic, arthritic, muscular, and joint pain. It is gently stimulating to circulation while calming the mind, being energetically expansive and opening.

For congestion, use balsam fir in a compress, on its own or in combination with essential oils. follow with a rub of essential oils including balsam fir; wrap up the chest with a warm, dry cloth and go to bed.

This can be repeated several times a day.

For joint or muscle pain, use hot or cold compress to the individual and the condition.

Reference: Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy: Suzanne Catty


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